Undoubtedly, your oral health affects your overall wellness, too. But despite that link, dental care often focuses only on “fixing” the immediate problem at hand, like a cavity or tooth crack, without considering the impact on the rest of your health and body.
Holistic dentistry is different because it takes that association into account. In fact, while holistic dentistry is based on the same principles as “regular” dentistry, it focuses on techniques and materials that support whole health, too.
At Dental Studio of Pasadena, our team is skilled in holistic dentistry techniques and treatments. We offer patient-centered treatments aimed at promoting oral and overall health and wellness. If you’re unsure what holistic dentistry involves — or if it’s right for you — here’s an overview to answer your questions.
Holistic treatments and techniques
One of the most popular examples of holistic dentistry is replacing metal fillings with zirconia or resin fillings. While metal fillings are durable, they also contain mercury and other metals you might not want in your mouth. Holistic dentistry uses alternative materials to avoid metal amalgam fillings and the potential impact they could have on your health.
Holistic treatments don’t just eliminate potential toxins. Other techniques use materials that can help promote better health, too. For instance, ozonated water may be used instead of distilled water, providing an extra “dose” of oxygen to support optimal healing.
As part of our holistic approach, we also focus on your lifestyle and oral health habits, like brushing and flossing techniques or dietary habits that could increase your risks of cavities or gum disease.
And, of course, we provide plenty of professional guidance and patient education to help you make smart choices about your oral health and your overall wellness, too. Best of all, a holistic approach enables us to customize your care routine to accommodate your changing lifestyle and other factors, like age or evolving medical needs.
How to decide if holistic dentistry is right for you
Holistic dentistry treatments can be ideal for any patient, but they may not always be optimal for every oral health problem or condition. That’s why our team offers holistic and conventional treatments to ensure every patient receives the best and most appropriate care for their needs.
During your visit, we review your health history, and we may suggest lab tests to identify allergies or sensitivities that could help guide your treatment or the choice of materials we use. Ultimately, we discuss all your treatment options, including holistic alternatives, to help you make informed decisions about your oral and overall health.
Using a whole-patient, holistic approach to oral health means you can feel confident you’ll receive the best care for your needs, supporting optimal oral health and overall wellness. To learn more about our holistic treatment options, call 626-329-4658 or request an appointment online with the team at Dental Studio of Pasadena in Pasadena, California, today.