If you have one or several missing teeth, you can restore your smile with a crown or bridge. Dental Studio of Pasadena in Pasadena, California, specializes in restorative dentistry procedures like fitting crowns and bridges to replace lost teeth. Their experts also use crowns and bridges to address problems like cracked, damaged, and decayed teeth. Call Dental Studio of Pasadena or book an appointment online today to discover how to restore your smile with a crown or bridge.

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What are crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges strengthen, repair, or replace severely damaged, decayed, or missing teeth.

Dental crowns are caps that fit over the top of your damaged teeth, and they can also be full artificial teeth used to replace missing permanent teeth. These crowns attach to dental implants (artificial tooth roots).

Bridges contain several artificial teeth. They’re made of two crowns with artificial teeth in between. The crowns cap teeth on either side of a gap of missing teeth. Bridges can also attach to dental implants.

When should I consider crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges have many benefits that make them well worth considering. They fill gaps in your teeth to improve your smile, building your confidence and self-esteem. Your ability to chew food properly and talk clearly improves with crowns and bridges.

After tooth extraction, a gap is left that your remaining teeth can shift into. You’re also more likely to have problems with jawbone loss. Crowns and bridges prevent these problems.

The Dental Studio of Pasadena team uses crowns and bridges made from materials that closely resemble natural teeth. After you have your crowns and bridges fitted, no one will be able to guess your teeth are artificial.

Who can benefit from having crowns and bridges?

The Dental Studio of Pasadena team might recommend crowns and bridges if you have problems like:

  • Missing permanent teeth
  • Severely decayed teeth
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Cracked teeth
  • Extreme hot or cold sensitivity
  • Chipped teeth
  • Weak or broken tooth

If your tooth is so severely damaged or decayed it can’t be saved, your dentist will extract it. They then fit a dental implant — a titanium post that they anchor in your jawbone; a crown or bridge fits over the implant.

What happens when I get crowns and bridges?

To fit a crown or bridge over your existing teeth, your dentist removes any decayed tissue and cleans the area thoroughly. They digitally scan your mouth to create a custom-fitted crown or bridge. When the new crown or bridge is ready, your dentist bonds it to the top of your natural tooth or teeth.

If you’re having traditional dental implants, the area needs to heal, and the implant needs to fuse with the jawbone before fitting your crown or bridge. Dental Studio of Pasadena also does new teeth in one day for suitable patients.

Call Dental Studio of Pasadena or book an appointment online today to discover how crowns and bridges improve your smile and boost your oral health.